Get Involved / Volunteer
Every parishioner is blessed with different talents, skills and ambitions.
We have a place for yours.
At Saint Stanislaus, service to the church, or “stewardship,” is represented by 16 different organizations and ministries that reach out to every corner of the religious and local community. Our charitable efforts have even benefited the underserved faithful in remote parts of our country and overseas.
From providing food for the hungry, visiting the elderly, serving at Mass, deepening our faith understanding, supporting fund drives, greeting new parishioners, enhancing our church grounds, we invite you to join, work, sing, make new friends, have fun, rejoice, and most of all, make a difference.
Call 860-583-4242 our visit the rectory office at 510 West Street if you would like more information about:
- Legion of Mary
- Visitation of the Sick and Homebound
- Youth Ministry
- Spiritual Life/Worship Committee
- Ladies Guild
- Towarzystwo (Polish Society)
- Parish Supper Club
- Dozynki Committee
- Respect for Life Committee
- Building and Grounds Committee
- Lazarus Committee
- Lectors
- Music Ministry
- Altar Servers
- Bereavement
- Parish Council